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AnxiKalm calming supplement for horses 1.2 kg

AnxiKalm Compete is a natural, calming supplement. Ideal for sport horses, young horses and horses that have difficulty traveling, restless horses and those starting to compete. Relieve your horse's nervousness without reducing its performance. AnxiKalm Compete contains only permitted ingredients.


Magnesium, tryptophan and group B vitamins show a much higher effect in the effective mixture of supplementary feed than the individual components. The interaction results in very good results in terms of nervousness, resistance to stress and the horse's ability to concentrate.


Note: The tryptophan component is doping-relevant and the dose must be discontinued at least 48 hours before the competition (according to the FN)


Scientific research has shown:
L-tryptophan: the amino acid L-tryptophan is converted to serotonin in the body. Increased serotonin levels generally reduce anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness. Vitamin B6 and C are needed to convert tryptophan into serotonin.
Folic Acid: Appears to reduce high homocysteine ​​levels associated with anxiety, restlessness and nervousness in horses.
Magnesium: A mineral that reduces anxiety, restlessness and nervousness in horses.
B-Complex Vitamins: A deficiency of B-complex vitamins, specifically B1, B6, and pantothenic acid, also leads to anxiety, restlessness, and nervousness.
Based on niacin's recognized role in supporting healthy nerve function, some experts recommend these B vitamins to ease nervousness.

AnxiKalm calming supplement for horses 1.2 kg

  • Prečo je AnxiKalm Compete vhodný?
    Každý kôň je jedinečný, rozlične sa prispôsobuje a reaguje v určitých situáciách, preto potrebuje prípravok, ktorý mu umožní lepšie sa adaptovať.


    Ako AnxiKalm funguje:
    Poskytuje dokonalú rovnováhu Horčíka, L-Tryptofán a B Vitamínov, ktoré podporujú znižovanie nervozity a rizika vzniku situácie vytvárajúcich stres. Dlhodobo prispievajú k vyrovnanému stavu organizmu. Horčík je kľúčovou zložkou na zabezpečenie integrity nervových zakončení. Znížená hladina horčíka môže byť zapríčinená stresom, nervozitou a vypätými situáciami. Preto je dôležité jeho pravidelné dopĺňanie.

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