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Arthri Aid Omega complex joint nutrition for dogs and cats 500 ml

Quality prevention leads to vitality and the joy of movement without pain.

Support the health of the joints of puppies, dogs under stress, or seniors.


Arthri Aid Omega contains a wide range of ingredients that have a synergistic effect. It contains a combination of chondroprotective substances necessary for complex joint nutrition in the right proportion, thanks to which it nourishes, protects and regenerates joint cartilage and tissues. It is suitable not only as prevention during high training load, but also as regeneration after injury (joints, tendons, ligaments).

Arthri Aid is a clinically proven joint supplement containing a combination of glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM, plus vitamin C and omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.


Arthri Aid Omega is an effective solution to support long-term joint health in dogs and cats.

Arthri Aid Omega complex joint nutrition for dogs and cats 500 ml

  • Glukozamín je aminokyselina a pomáha pri výrobe chrupavky v tele. Chondrotín Sulfát pomáha udržiavať mazanie a tlmenie nárazov kĺbov.


    MSM je prirodzene sa vyskytujúca zlúčenina síry, ktorá pomáha zmierňovať nárazy a zlepšuje pohyblivosť kĺbov.


    Kyselina hyalurónová (HA) sa pridala, kvôli zvýšeniu účinnosti. Je hlavnou zložkou synoviálnej tekutiny, prírodného oleja pre kĺby. Synoviálna tekutina je základná viskózna látka, ktorá premazáva kĺby v celom tele.


    Omega 3 a 6 mastné kyseliny majú pozitívny vplyv na zápalový proces v kĺboch.

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