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MSM 100% for horses 1.5 kg

MSM or methylsulfonylmethane is a natural, best absorbable organic sulfur compound. It supports healthy joint function with amazing anti-inflammatory properties to help relieve your horse of all kinds of inflammation, swelling and pain. Suitable after injuries and operations.

Recommended for: chronic myalgia (muscle pain), pain in the hip joint, lumbar part of the spine, after injuries and operations, arthritis, inflammation of the joints, inflammation of the joint head, inflammation of the joint of the hoof, diseases of the index finger, cracks in the hoof capsule.

MSM 100% for horses 1.5 kg

  • Veterinarians have used and recommended methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), a key ingredient in 100% MSM, for years. MSM, a metabolite of DMSO, can be used in the formation of disulfide bonds in the skin and connective tissue (ligament, mucous membranes, etc.) as an active component of free radical scavenging enzymes. MSM helps create bonds between collagen molecules. These increase the tensile strength of collagen-rich tissues.

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