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Gastro Care supplement to support healthy digestion 20 kg

Prevention is more effective than treatment.
It is estimated that 70 to 80% of the entire immune system is in the gut. Nourishing beneficial bacteria can help support a healthy gut barrier and a balanced stomach microflora.


Gastro Care helps protect the gastric mucosa and has a positive effect on digestion problems or stomach ulcers. Regulates digestion, balances pH and reduces the risk of stomach ulcers.


Gastro Care is recommended to administer: 

- with stomach pain (stress, irregular feeding) - with stomach ulcers  - with difficulty maintaining weight - with frequent diarrhea - when traveling


We recommend giving it twice a year, as a monthly treatment.

Gastro Care supplement to support healthy digestion 20 kg

  • Uhličitany sodíka a vápnika pôsobia ako antacidy tým, že pomáhajú neutralizovať prebytočnú žalúdočnú kyslosť, aby sa umožnila regenerácia žalúdočnej sliznice.


    Jablkové vlákno a pektínový komplex dodávajú rozpustné a nerozpustné vlákna, pomáhajú stabilizovať ochrannú vrstvu hlienov na sliznici žalúdka, ako aj väzbové (neutralizačné) žlčové kyseliny. Kyselina L-glutámová prispieva k zdravému fungovaniu tráviaceho systému.



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